Welcoming OSNexus to the Ceph Foundation

Mike Perez

This month we’ve added a new software vendor to the Ceph Foundation, OSNexus. OSNexus has been developing their software-defined storage platform, QuantaStor, since 2010 and started working with and integrating Ceph into their platform all the way back in 2014.

About OSNexus

OSNexus is working to expand the use cases for Ceph and bring more organizations to Ceph by simplifying everything from the cluster design process to the day to day operations. This diagram shows some of the internal components of QuantaStor so that organizations can get a better idea of the added value. QuantaStor is available on RedHat and Ubuntu and is provided as an ISO image (Ubuntu based) for bare-metal installation or as an upgrade script for organizations using RHEL.

Internal components of QuantaStor

The result is that Ceph can be delivered as a storage system platform that helps organizations more familiar with storage systems to adopt and get the benefits of Ceph.

Grid Dashboard

QuantaStor also has an interesting Storage Grid technology that makes it so that multiple Ceph clusters can be managed together. This simplifies setting up new clusters and things that cross cluster boundaries like remote replication and management users and security policies.

Storage Grid

Community Edition licenses to QuantaStor are available from the osnexus.com web site and they have developed a nice web tool for designing Ceph clusters which we’ll cover in a follow-up blog post.