Re-schedule failed teuthology jobs
The Ceph integration tests may fail because of environmental problems (network not available, packages not built, etc.). If six jobs failed out of seventy, these failed test can be re-run instead of re-scheduling the whole suite. It can be done using the **–filter** option of teuthology-suite with a comma separated list of the job description that failed.
The job description can either be copy/pasted from the web interface or extracted from the paddles json output with:
$ run=loic-2015-03-03_12:46:38-rgw-firefly-backports---basic-multi $ paddles= $ eval filter=$(curl --silent $paddles/runs/$run/jobs/?status=fail | jq '.[].description' | \ while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done | \ sed -e 's/,$//')
Where the paddles URL outputs a json description of each job of the form:
[ { "os_type": "ubuntu", "nuke_on_error": true, "status": "pass", "failure_reason": null, "success": true, ... "description": "rgw/multifs/{clusters/fixed-2.yaml}" }, { "os_type": "ubuntu", ...
The jobs/?status=fail part of the URL selects the jobs with "success":false. The jq expression displays the description field (.[].description), one by line. These lines are aggregated into a comma separated list (while read description ; do echo -n $description, ; done) and the trailing comma is stripped (sed -e 's/,$//'). The filter variable is set to the resulting line and evaled to get rid of the quotes (eval filter=$(..)).
The command used to schedule the entire suite can be re-used by adding the --filter="$filter" argument and will only run the failed jobs.
$ ./virtualenv/bin/teuthology-suite --filter="$filter" \ --priority 101 --suite rgw --suite-branch firefly \ --machine-type plana,burnupi,mira \ --distro ubuntu --email \ --owner \ --ceph firefly-backports ... Suite rgw in suites/rgw scheduled 6 jobs. Suite rgw in suites/rgw -- 56 jobs were filtered out.