v0.61.1 released
This release is a small update to Cuttlefish that fixes a problem when upgrading a bobtail cluster that had snapshots. Please use this instead of v0.61 if you are upgrading to avoid possible ceph-osd daemon crashes. There is also fix for a problem deploying monitors and generating new authentication keys.
Notable changes:
- osd: handle upgrade when legacy snap collections are present; repair from previous failed restart
- ceph-create-keys: fix race with ceph-mon startup (which broke ‘ceph-deploy gatherkeys …’)
- ceph-create-keys: gracefully handle bad response from ceph-osd
- sysvinit: do not assume default osd_data when automatically weighting OSD
- osd: avoid crash from ill-behaved classes using getomapvals
- debian: fix squeeze dependency
- mon: debug options to log or dump leveldb transactactions
You can get v0.61.1 from the usual places:
- Git at git://github.com/ceph/ceph.git
- Tarball at http://ceph.com/download/ceph-0.61.1.tar.gz
- For Debian/Ubuntu packages, see http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/debian
- For RPMs, see http://ceph.com/docs/master/install/rpm